Providing Accreditation since 1986
The Following Schools or institutions have either not applied for or been accredited for training. We recommend you reconsider taking any educational course from these schools or institutions. Your risk of not being training by an accredited agency which should meet higher standards for education by being reviewed by their peers for quality of educators and the materials used in the training.

The accredited organizations have meet or exceeded the requirements for excellence in staff and material. The following companies DO NOT MEET THE STANDARDS SET BY CIFMAT. Caution should be used when taking their courses as there training may not be approved by Government agencies or Law firms that require specific education standards.
Organization who are NOT APPROVE by CIFMAT
Caution should be exercised when considering these organizations.

This school is NOT ACCREDITED and can not be verified for the quality of education or the instructors teaching the courses. We have contacted them and they have not responded to our requests for further information.

Universal Class, Inc.
10150 Highland Manor Drive
Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33610-9712
This is a private organization which is not authorized in any capacity by National or State agencies, they have repeatedly mis-represented their standing to students as being the only accredited mediation training organization in Texas. They have no authority other than a private organization that continues to discredit competing schools in the state.

We recommend exercising caution when joining this organization. The only organization approved by CIFMAT is the American Bar Association.

Texas Mediator Trainers Roundtable is a private organization and not authorized by any State or Federal agency to provide mediation training beyound the normal Texas State Standards. This school repeatedly tells prospective students that they are the only organization approved to train mediators in the State of Texas. This statement alone is fraudulent and misleading to prospective students. Caution should be exercised when taking any courses from this organization as they have not been accredited by CIFMAT. Further more the organizations they are promoting on their web site are their own organizations and are another attempt at deceiving prospective Students.

Post Office Box 376
Kingsland, Texas 78639
NON ACCREDITED This organization is private organization and has no credentialing authority in Texas and is owned and operated by a group of individuals who run and operate the TEXAS MEDIATOR TRAINERS ROUNDTABLE. They use this as a source of creditablity for their training and other organizations. They are not approved by any State or Federal agency. Belonging to this organization is not required by any state statue or agency.

Tasha Willis, Vice Chair, Credentialing
4800 Calhoun Rd., Suite 102, Houston, TX 77204
713-743-2066 (phone)
713-743-2097 (fax)
NON ACCREDITED This is organization has not made application for accreditation or peer review. Caution should be used when contacting this organizationl. Eckerd College is the hosting organization.

Eckerd College
4200 54th Ave South
St Petersburg, FL 33711
NON ACCREDITED organization they have not meet the standards set by CIFMAT and are not recognized as a company that has been training in the area of Mediation for the perscribe period time to meet CIFMAT standards. Caution should be used when taking any courses from this organization.