The Commission of Institutions for Mediation - Arbitration Training Accreditation, Inc. in recognition of its responsibility to affiliated institutions, governmental agencies, and the general public to make readily available accurate, fair and pertinent information about the accreditation status of its members and candidate institutions has adopted the following policy:
Annually, the Association prepares, publishes, and widely disseminates a roster of member and candidate schools, colleges, and universities. Listed separately under the appropriate Commission, the following information is provided:
For each accredited institution:
- the year of initial membership
- the year of the most recent Commission/Association action affecting accreditation status
- when applicable, an indication of probationary status
For each candidate institution:
- the year in which candidacy was granted
- the year of the most recent review of candidacy status
- the year by which accreditation must be achieved
In addition, a Commission may elect to publish and disseminate information regarding the next date of review of an accredited or candidate institution.
After each meeting of the Board of Trustees, the following information is released by the Association to the public news media:
- actions taken by the Association granting candidacy for accreditation or initial accreditation
- adverse actions (i.e., denial of candidacy for accreditation, termination of candidacy for accreditation, denial of accreditation, placement on probation or termination of accreditation) taken by the Association after the right of appeal has been exhausted. In these cases, the effective date of and the reasons for the action are also released. In addition, for institutions placed on probation, the relevant Commission’s plans to monitor the institution are stated.
Approved by the Executive Committee on April 23, 2015 Reaffirmed by the Board of Trustees on April 14, 2015